
Fashion & lifestyle.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Throw kindness around like it's confetti !!!!!!

Being kind to others can go a long way. Learn to share a hug, smile or even a compliment with one another. Now understand you will not always get that same kindness in return. But, that’s okay because GOD can see EVERYTHING.
From the time you wake up all the way till the time you sleep (even while you’re asleep, but you’re not doing anything really, well unless you're sleep walking!).He wants to see us representing him the right way, with kindness. If someone is evil to you, hurtful, harmful, etc. do not retaliate with hate, just because someone decides to be evil does not make it okay for us to be evil. We have to learn that every bad situation, does not need a reaction. Sometimes it’s better to smile and walk away, no need to talk about them, laugh at them, argue with them just a simple smile will seal the deal.  Don't repay evil for evil. Don't retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will bless you for it.” (1 peter 3:9).  
Yet, say if we decide to fight back, say something rude back to that person, or/and talk about them. Well guess what? You just took matters in your own hands. See when you walk away, when you continue to be kind, you allow GOD to handle the situation. But, when you try to get back at them, argue with them, bad mouth them then there is basically no need for GOD to interfere. Two wrongs do not make a right, and GOD will not bless you if you step down to their level. Rise above that , and reject that negative energy. We have to let GOD handle the situation that's why he is around. Only thing we need to do, is continue being that positive ,kind person and we will continue to be happy and blessed. “The lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14:14).

It all starts with you.


  1. Hi, I saw that you posted a book review on diva, goddess, queen but I can't seem to find it now. Just wondering what you thought about it and if you'd recommend it. Thank you!

    1. Yes I absolutely loved it !!!! Awesome book . I was messing around with my blog , and some how some of my post got deleted ! But yes that is a great book

  2. i like this you know your stuff. keep it coming
